Grupa RWE
The RWE Group is a European energy group, specializing in the extraction of raw materials, energy production and sales, distribution of electricity and gas. In Poland, the group supports more than 800,000 individual clients, 60,000 enterprises in the small and medium companies and 3,000 corporations and large enterprises.
We have realized 3 large projects in cooperation with a RWE:
- Grid attachment management system
- Documentation archives management system
- EDI System
Project: Grid attachment management system Documentation archives management system EDI System
Project “Documentation archives management system”
It was another project carried out for the RWE Group.
The main objectives of the project
- To improve the flow of documents between group’s branches, units and direct employees
- To reduce paper document usage (such as paper maps, projects, agreements, etc)
- To minimize the risk of loss or damage of paper documents
- Shortening the waiting time for documents
- To reduce the costs associated with shipping and copying documents
The scale of the project
- The number of folders: 250 000 – each of them contains from several to several dozen documents
- Number of users: 150
- Number of archives: 3
As a project result we have built a central electronic repository of files and documentation. We have implemented a web-browser based document sharing mechanism. We have made the integration with geographic information system. In addition, we have implemented document access control mechanism.