TVN Media Sp. z o.o.

The company is a part of TVN SA Group, one of the biggest Polish television networks. TVN Media is responsible for all marketing activities in the group.


Project: TVN Media

The main objectives of the project

  • Optimization of current business processes
  • Optimization of manually creating and sending statements to media houses and clients

The scale of implementation

  • 40 users
  • 5 business processes


As part of the work we have prepared a portal for order management and billing marketing campaigns, the mechanism of generating reports in real time, based on internal client systems.

We have prepared a mechanism for the automatic creation and management of websites dedicated to each partner of TVN Media. Our solution is ready for handling sensitive data.


  • Liferay
  • OLAP Business Intelligence
  • Active Directory

Efekty projektu:

W wyniku wdrożonego rozwiązania wzrosła wydajność poprzez automatycznie generowane raporty (w czasie rzeczywistym).

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